Exposicions on pots participar.

2 de juny 2010

Saturday´s inauguration of D'AQUI I D'ALLA was a complete success. The jam packed hours seemed to be the result of the good quality of art on the walls, the diversity of the artists showing, the warm weather, and a terraza flowing with beer and mojitos.

Untitled's guests got the chance to appreciate the paintings, photographs, instalation and video displayed. There was no sign of a theme, just the diversity in each of the creator´s work. A wall was set up for ten of the artists from TOG (www.tallersoberts.net) which made for a great preview of the upcoming Gracia shows as well.

The exhibition is running until the 9th of June - the second Saturday it´s showing will be celebrated with the help of live music. For more information on this event check us out on facebook. No doubt it´ll be as busy a night as the last one proved to be!

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La Vila de Gràcia, Barcelona